Wednesday, March 30, 2016

So how do you become a millionaire. 5 quick tips on getting there the right way. #millionlifestyle #practicalmillionaire #wethebest #youngmoguls #instamoney #millenials #howtoberich #millionaire #billionaire #expensivelifestyle #moneyteam #tbe #stayawayfromthey #businessisbooming #theyisnotallowed #djkhaled #yousmart #youloyal 1.) Focus on earning and increasing your income in increments and repeating that. Set goals. For example year 1 I make 3k/month by next year I want to make 5k/month. Keep setting those short term goals and targets. 2.) At some point you must have extra sources of income from other channels for example : real estate, stock market, royalties, book deals, teaching courses, etc. 3.) Stop investing in stuff that doesn't matter. Stop buying luxury cars, nice watches, and nice things. Don't do that in the beginning but instead focus on investments on yourself like on your education. 4.) Take smart risks and act on them. This requires that you must have faith and take many leaps along the way. Make sure you find the right guidance and not just listen to the advice of random people. Study up and act on the proper information. 5.) Shoot for 20 million instead of 2 million. Shoot for 10 million instead of 1 million. The bigger your goal the more you will come just alittle short from that big goal. If you end up hitting 5 million instead of that 10 million goal, well it still help push you further than you originally thought possible.

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